

It’s been 3 years since Jacob went to rehab. It’s been a long road to recovery since then and they say it never ends. Merideth has been supportive of her son the whole time he’s been away. He told her all about the theater troupe he joined and that play about the King he was in. Not as the king, but one of his servants. He’s detailed his whole time working for that fast food chicken place, Lucky Clucky’s, and how much it’s meant to the both of them that he’s managed to keep and hold this job for so long.

50 Round Handgun Training Manual

Dry Fire Drills NOTE: All Drills should be performed using your Every Day Carry Clothes and Gear, The point is to be ready when an actual situation occurs. Ideal Draws (10-15 minutes daily) Start from a loose, comfortable standing position. At random you will put your hands up like you’re surrendering then draw your firearm and point it straight at the mirror using your reflection as both a target and to study your form.